dear people of God, God bless you. Today we have to know from the Bible, how to get financial blessings from God? Everyone is aware that problems in the family may arise due to poor economic conditions. People remain distressed due to lack of jobs, running into business losses and due to closure of main economic sources. Do you also have this type of problem in your life? Don’t worry and instead of worrying, pray. Matthew 7: 7. Because worry can increase your discomfort, and no one can achieve anything by worrying. Matthew 6:25. Because unless God was compassion from above, nothing is found .. Luke 1:78
Blessing of Suleman.
You should learn from Suleman’s blessing, what kind of blessing he had asked God. What blessings did God give him? 2 Chronicles 1: 7–12. Suleiman sought a boon not for himself, but for the work of God. Seeing the honesty of Suleman, God also gave everything that he did not ask for. My friends, have you asked God for some blessings for God’s work? If you have not asked for anything for God’s work so far, then once you ask the demand, God will bless you abundantly.
In Matthew 6:33 says, we must first think about the work of God, the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God. The work of giving to blessing is of God. If you think about God, God will think for you. The way to get blessings should be understood. Blessing will automatically come to your lap. Therefore seek God, then you will remain fortunate. 2 Chronicles 26: 5
God gives the power to obtain wealth.
wealth is received from God, and to increase someone – force is in the hands of God. 2 Chronicles 29:12. Therefore, we should keep on trying to get to become God’s blessings. Then life will be blessed. Therefore, be careful, obey God’s commandments and obey the ordinances and the statutes. Because it happens so often that when people’s wealth increases, then they boast and forget God. Deuteronomy 8: 11–14. This is where their destruction begins. because God gives the power to obtain wealth. Because he has made a covenant with our ancestors. Therefore God should be remembered. Deuteronomy 8: 17-18
be righteous

Pslam 37:25-26. The righteous are never seen begging. Because they give to others. And their children are blessed. So you keep trying to be a good person. Not only in the eyes of the people, but also in the sight of God. Because people see the external personality. But God examines your inner part, that is, the heart. So keep trying to become a pure man in the eyes of God. (Because God blesses the righteous. Psalm 5:12.) Therefore, you must understand well whom God blesses.
greedy people
(Proverbs 28: 20-22. A true man receives a lot of blessings. But a greedy person, who hastens to obtain wealth, may face loss problems. Therefore, one should never earn money by stealing and committing crimes). Because God is not giving blessed to the money earned by greed. If you want to get money from evil, So God will take away your blessings, and you may have to face financial loss. Therefore should be careful. (Otherwise you will continue to earn money and you will have nothing left. Proverbs 13: 7)
Trust God and be faithful to others.
if you want God’s blessings, you have to make money honestly. If you are not faithful to another, who will give you your money? Luke 16:12. If you believe in God, there will be no problem in your life. If there is a problem, it is due to sin and temptation. The Lord says, Cursed, a man who believes in man, and takes his support, whose wisdom is far from Jehovah. Jeremiah 17: 5. Therefore it is worth knowing that it is better to take refuge in God than to trust in man. Psalm 118: 8. If you want to be blessed, trusting God is mandatory. You cannot be blessed without trust in God. Therefore, work wisely.
God bless you for reading to continue.