God and fire of sorrow
peace be with you in the name of dear brothers Jesus. Dear friends, do not be surprised by the fire of sorrow which has flashed in you to test you, because of this that something unique is passing on you. 1 Peter 4:12. All the people of the world are being tested right now. Endurance is being tested. Think that something new is happening. The examination should be unique. If a type of examination is repeated again and again from where will the knowledge increase. If simple questions are asked in the examination, then what is the benefit of that examination. It would have been better not to have a exam.
Think like a wise man
when the exam is easy, people ignore it. But if the exam is very painful, it is always remembered. Therefore, you should learn from the examination of corona virus epidemic. Because after a few generations such test will come again. It will be even more dangerous. You should understand that God’s anger is raging. Pray with repentance to stop the wrath of God. Do not think like a wicked sinner, but think like a wise man. Because the wicked are alienate from God. Until you repent completely. Until you ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Till then the problem will revolve around you. It is your job to choose whether you are loving the problem or God.
if you worship God with a sincere heart. Then you will face problems, but not to your loss. Would rather come to increase trust. Because God will be with you. Will save you from every crisis. God does not want the Christians people to be weak. He wants you to rule in the world by becoming powerful. Because the kingdom belongs to Jehovah, and he rules over all nations. Psalm 22:28
God gives everything (God and fire of sorrow)
People think that they have got a very big post. No matter what position they hold. Because God gives everything to people. No one gets anything by themselves. When you people understand this, you will be blessed. Because since then you will not boast.
until God do not blesses people, they do not get good education. Nowadays, videos are also available on YouTube for learning and understanding. But people waste time seeing bad things. Then they say that there is no one to teach us. There is no teacher for us. They keep making various excuses. The truth is that people do not want to listen to the words of God. God’s word is not for physical entertainment. But that is for spiritual progress. Satan wants to get physical entertainment, but not God. Because God’s peace is not like the world. Because it is written in John 14:27, I comfort you, I give my peace to you; As the world gives, I do not give you: do not be afraid or afraid of your mind.
Whatever you get from God is different from the world. People should understand that God does not give what he gets from the world. Because to desire worldly things means to make distances from God. People adopt millions of methods to save their bodies. Lakhs of rupees are spent. Still, we are not able to save the body. Because the death of the body is sure to be one day. But for a soul that never dies, people remain oblivious to it. Preparations are made day and night to send the soul to hell. How unfortunate mankind is. Because people deliberately make preparations to go to hell.
almighty God I thank you wholeheartedly that you have saved us from all kinds of evils and kept us safe in todays day. Lord Almighty, the King of the whole world, whether we live in sorrow or happiness, we give thank you. We as human beings break up in times of sorrow, but forget you in happiness. When we turn to sin, you send us sorrow and warn us again and again. But we as human beings ignore your warning and forget it. Therefore, grant us wisdom and wisdom. So that we can understand the warning given by you, and by changing your mind, be vigilant in obeying your command. Father, protect him those who believe you. save them from all kinds of diseases. protect them from all types of problems. Father Keep your grace on us. I request this at your feet. Amen ..
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