Three types of temptation come into people’s lives.

Three types of temptation come into people’s lives.

Three types of temptation come into people’s lives. welcome back once again my Christ’s dear brother and sisters! People never want them to be offended.

People never want them to get sick. Anybody never want them to be in trouble.

Any one never like any kind of test in their life. Today we will discuss about three types of events or examination that take place in people’s lives

first temptation

The first test comes in the form of eating people. When people feel hungry, they can do anything to eat. Delay in eating makes it difficult for people to handle. Satan knows, one of the greatest weaknesses of humans is hunger. That’s why Satan tests people by eating them. People should understand that Satan tempted the Lord Jesus by eating too.

It is written in Matthew chapter 4: 2,3,4, 40 days and 40 nights when the Lord Jesus is fasting. Then they feel hungry and the devil comes and says, if you are the son of God, then say that the stone becomes bread. But God says, man lives not only with bread but with every word that comes out of the mouth of God.

From this you should understand how Satan tempts humans by eating them. You too should answer the devil with endurance. One thing you should understand is that in Matthew 6:25,26 God has said not to worry about eating and drinking. So you will also provide that food at the appropriate time. So you should not be excited to eat.

Three types of temptation come into people's lives.

second temptation

It also happens in the world that people misuse their political power. People take advantage of being officers and harass them. Taking advantage of this weakness, Satan fills the sick of arrogance in the minds of people. People do not even know that Satan is behind this. Because Satan also tempted the Lord Jesus to show the power to be his son. It is written about in Matthew 4: 5,6,7. But Lord Jesus gives a befitting reply to the devil and teaches people not to show pride of worldly power.

Third temptation

The desire to live life by royalty, money, enjoyment, can lead 4 people astray. Money can stop the worship of God and make you worship the worldly content. Because it is written in Matthew 4: 8, ‘9,10,11, Satan also tempted the Lord and said that if you prostrate me, I will give you everything. So be careful. It is written in Matthew 6:24 that no human being can serve two masters. That is, you cannot serve God and money together. Because you will respect one and disrespect the other.

This type of test always comes in the life of people. Therefore, you should be patient during exam time. You cannot avoid this type of examination. So keep praying because your anti-devil is very powerful. Mathew 26:41 I wrote that prayer is the only way you can avoid the test.

My dear Christ people, I expect you to be as big as you are. No matter how rich a person you are, you still have to go through the temptation of the devil. So if you want to take a step forward, you walk with God. Pray to God Walk according to the teaching of God, bypassing Satan’s web.


If God does not want you, there is no human in this earth who can escape from the temptation of Satan. People have been told the way to pray to escape the temptation of the devil. But people forget to pray by drowning in the desire of the world. Therefore, please forgive those people and save them from the temptation of Satan. So that they can glorify you. Hear this request of mine and take it into the kingdom of heaven. Amen..

God bless you for reading continue.

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