Jesus is knocking at your door.
Dear people of God, may God bless you. Today we will talk about a special guest who always wants to be with you. Are you ready to give them space? Because Jesus is knocking at your door. So let us read the word of God which says,
Today Bible verses
Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. Revelation 3: 20

When a guest comes to your house and knocks the door, you undoubtedly open the door for him. After giving him tea, water, you also ask about the well-being. This is the kind of behavior we do in our daily lives. But today a special guest is knocking in your house. He wants you to open the door for him. How many people are ready for this. Are you ready to open the door? Do you know who she is He is not such a guest, but he is Almighty God. He is the Son of the God Jesus.
He wants to be with you. The dining table I want to eat with you. He wants to sit in the house with you and spend time. Think once, when a minister goes to do a program, preparations for that are done a month in advance. Therefore, you should make preparations from now.
But which house should you clean? Your heart should be cleaned cleanly. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Because you are the temple of God. The Lord Jesus lives not in the temple built by the people, but in the heart. Therefore you should clean the heart temple. If your heart is not clean, then how will the Lord Jesus stay in your house. Therefore you have to renounce the work that hinders the coming of the Lord.
Storage of your sin
Well one thing I ask you, a sacred or profane object is kept in the temple. You are sure that the thing is kept on the sacred. Then you too will have to keep the holy matter in the temple of your heart. So you will ask us what is the sacred thing that we keep in the temple of our heart? One thing when you eat is where does it go. You are sure that he stay in your stomach. But when you sin, it stays in the temple of your heart, and corrupts you. Abuse, speak vulgar words, and all the sins you commit with it also go to the temple of your heart.
Whether to pollute your heart by keeping the wrong things, or to give God space by keeping good things. Which of these two do you want to place? Who is more important to you than God or sin? Your heart is also your decision. The rest of you are intelligent people.
Lord Jesus is standing at your door. Do you want to open the door for him, or carry the burden of sin. I thank you for taking time with the words of the Lord for so long. I also hope that you will continue with the Lord in the future.
Dear Lord Jesus, the ocean of holiness we thank you for keeping us safe in this day. Compassionate Father Forgive our transgressions and bless us with grace. We could not understand your call many times and got away from you. You must have made a noise to knock on our door and open the door. But as sinners we could not hear your voice. So forgive us. Father, I open my heart’s door to you. Please come in and sit with me. Please listen to this small request of mine. Amen..
God bless you for reading continue.