Moving from Proximity to Intimacy with Christ

One of the most significant Bible verses in my life is related to the Spirit’s work, and it is found in John 3:34: “He gives the Spirit without measure.”

Who is He? Jesus.

This is the reason I say we are all as close to God as we want to be.“There are no limits to how much we can know the unknowable love of God.”

There are no limits to how much we can know the unknowable love of God. Our discoveries never have to end. We are solely responsible for cultivating the spiritual environment we live in.

I am from Odisha and, for this reason, often think in agricultural terms. If the promises of God are like seeds falling on soil, and the Spirit of God is like well-given rain in season, our hearts are the environment.

Odisha is known for its agriculture. But if I take rich black soil from Odisha and plant orange seeds from Valencia, Spain, in it, and the rain falls just right, I still won’t produce a harvest of oranges.


The environment is wrong.

The right seeds, planted in the right dirt, don’t always produce the right harvest.

We are responsible to cultivate the environment of our heart so that, by the Spirit of God, we can inherit what God makes accessible to us as sons and daughters by the way we think and the way we live.

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